
Blog Layout and Rain

Today it rained a lot, which was a problem since I did forgot my parapluie and raincoat. Even though I've been here for less than a week and just started French class, I'm already having French-English mash-ups in my thoughts. I guess that's a good thing...!

Right now I am not that happy with my blog layout. I'm using a modified blogger template (with my own original image), but I really want to design my own. However, since I haven't done much web design in the past 3 or 4 years, I've forgotten a lot and it will be a bit of a struggle.



I am spending this summer in Grenoble, France. I will start (re)using this blog to document thoughts on my new location, my artwork, and progress in the kitchen. In addition to improving French and getting to know the city, my goals are as follows:

  • Learn to cook
  • Sketch regularly
  • Paint with my (new!) pastels
Hopefully, blogging again will help me get away from the constant movement of school and back into a more reflective artistic zone. I really want to someday actually get my etsy shop off the ground and hopefully this summer will help.

Our first dejeuner in Grenoble, on one of our balconies (!):